今年在準備前往歐洲的過程中,很不可思議的,Morgan Le Faye 堅持向我現形。第一次,是在猶豫要去哪一個國家的時候。那時她現身,我便差點決定要去 Glastonbury,也就是Avalon的傳說之地,同時也是世界上最顯要的Otherworld入口之一。最終,考量各種現實因素後,決定去愛爾蘭,而在前行的一個月,我再次詢問,這個月期間,我該為哪位女神服務,學習傾聽。結果,Morgan Le Faye 又出現了(旁邊伴隨著阿茲特克女神 Coatlicue)。

(我使用的是Amy Sophia Marashinsky的女神神諭卡

我請她指引我 How should I serve and connect with you? 我們在一個山坡上,在有些慌亂的氣場中,已有一堆精靈聚集,而且竟然圍繞著我,等我作些什麼聲明。天哪!我毫無防備,只好硬著頭皮開口,臨場發揮。

I come to connect with you, and I come from the human world to bridge the human world and the Otherworld. I come in peace and to understand. I want to serve as a walker between the worlds. I know it's not going to be smooth, but I am good at listening, at least in the human world, so I want to learn to listen to you, too. I'm not so good at speaking, but if you have questions about the human world I'll do my best to answer. 大家瞪著我,氣氛有點凝重,我張口結舌的說 Also, I do love to dance. 大家一哄而散,變成了山坡上的跳舞派對。

Morgan Le Faye 留在旁邊,以非常像人類的方式現形。

他說:You have lots of work to do. There's so much you don't know. 我說:But there is no way I can know everything there is to know. 他說:If I can give you all the knowledge you need to know at once, will you pledge to serve our world? 

我卡住很久,不敢做出承諾。如果我突然擁有所有知識?那會是什麼樣的腦袋?而我就要開始承擔擁有知識的責任?我小心的回答:If so, I pledge to service our earth, the world, my human world and Otherworld, to heal.

她帶我到一個湖邊的小木屋,似曾相識,似乎是梅林的居所──Morgan Le Faye 在亞瑟王傳奇中是亞瑟王的 half sister,也是女巫。這裡春光明媚,樹林草地綠油油的,小小的湖波光粼粼,寧靜富有生機,小木屋的門是開的,抑或是根本沒有門?你看,她說,this is the place of a man with knowledge and power. 然後靜默了。我暗想我們在別人的屋子裡做什麼?主人到哪去了?我們在別人家這樣亂晃好嗎?而且還是人家梅林巫師的家。梅林耶!你看,她又說,這有可能是你的居所。You'll have all the resources, your cabin, nature, magic and all your tools, and you promise to serve until you are old, until you die. 


You have too much grief now. You have to handle it and not let it hold you back. 她又說,呼應到剛剛 Coatlicue 女神(象徵 grief)出現的原因。什麼 grief ?我問。我的家人都安好。但在靜默之間,深處的哀傷自己湧現──哀悼不一定是因為性命的失去。我其實也很清楚自己在為什麼哀悼吧──loss and separation。我們必須接受 grief,需要將它融入生活行為以及選擇中,不能身陷其中寸步不動。You need to do things about it and live with it. Do things that allow and help with grieving. 

然後她又說了一句很莫名其妙的話:Learn pronounciations. Do your ogham readings and become familiar with the sounds and tones. It will help you take in everything while you are there. 她指的是 Gaelic,因為那是我唯一 concern 的語言。

我求助:I don't have the time to do everything. My eyes are hurting, and I need to write and read and work. 

她兩眼直視我,用法杖指著我的頭部:Your eyes will be clear and beautiful if you do all the work you need to do.

前天,精靈也給我這個訊息!從 Brian Froud 的 Faerie's Oracle,我遇到一眼就讓我心理壓力很大的一個精靈,他是一個停不下來的 helper,會不斷干擾人的生活,只為了把一切都打點的完美無缺,唯一躲開他的方式,就是自己搶先把生活打理好。



最後我問 Morgan Le Faye,你究竟是誰呢?是精靈女王嗎?我該如何理解理呢?在一片暮色與氣流之中,我只感受到自己急促的呼吸和煩躁的心。


    創作者 邊緣空間 的頭像


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